Inner Peace Rock carin on a wood platform
On Being,  The Kitchen Sink

Your Inner Peace Is Just A Click Away

We cause ourselves great pain when the reality we desire differs from the reality we have. The greater the chasm, the greater the pain. It’s not until we can reconcile these two story lines that we can begin experiencing more inner peace.

We’ve been conditioned to believe that action is the only way to get what we want. When in fact, the truth is quite the opposite. Acceptance releases our resistance so that we may close the gap between what we desire and what we have.

Resisting reality, while it takes effort and energy, gets us no where closer to our desire. Instead it pushes us farther away from the very thing we we’re chasing. It’s only in letting go of the chase that we realize the thing we desire is always available from within.

Contentment, happiness, joy, inner peace. Whatever you call it. It can’t be fabricated, captured or harnessed. It can only be experienced. We must let go of the idea that we own it or that we deserve it. Then, and only then, will it arise from within.

The world will tell you differently. They’ll sell you inner peace in the form of a lifestyle, promising that happiness is just a click away. What they’ll fail to mention is that, by accepting their premise, we are creating even more resistance and friction on the path back to ourselves.

It may sound counter intuitive to let go of the pursuit for happiness. But consider this: to pursue something is to hunt. To seek, and capture. By it’s very nature, inner peace is freedom. It cannot be wrangled, claimed, or contained. It can only be witnessed. In letting go of our pursuit, we allow it to bubble up from within.

Ironically, just as we can only find our joy through our willingness to let go control and receive, so too it goes with our discontentment. Acceptance of both states of being brings about a deep unshakeable sense of well-being.

To resist our reality, the good, the bad, and the ugly, is to deny ourselves inner peace.

Making space in our lives to allow contentment to bubble up to the surface, is to willingly receive our true nature. Acceptance releases us of the impossible task of creating ourselves through external means, and allows us to be whole immediately and forever.

We cannot solve a problem if we can’t recognize there is one. We can’t learn a new skill unless we accept we don’t know how to do something. And we can’t discover our inner peace until we let go of our resistance.

It doesn’t matter how hard we worked for it or how desperately we desire it. Our inner peace doesn’t work that way. We must simply be willing to receive it.

Society may try to convince you that your inner peace is a commodity that can be bought and sold. Don’t fall for it. Everything you need to live a life full of peace and contentment is already within you. You must simply be willing to unleash it.

Thanks for reading! If you like what you read, subscribe. I’ll keep you in the loop each week with a round up of my work from around the web, and sprinkle in a few insights that I only share with my subscribers.

Until next time, be well. ~ Anon

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