We all want to do something meaningful with our lives. How we define that varies wildly. But it could be said that we all want to leave this earth feeling like we’ve done something worth remembering. It might be for self serving purposes, especially in our younger years, but over time, we seem to develop a desire to leave something of a legacy behind - one that presents us in a light that feels “successful.”
On Curve Balls and Living Our Lives On Purpose
As much as we may try to set our lives up to feel like we're in control, there's very little that we actually have influence over. Life throws us curve balls every day, and the beauty of being human is that we rise to the occasion, often without even realizing it.
If We’re Not Living Life On Purpose, What Are We Doing?
What does it mean to live a life on purpose? I suppose it's up to interpretation. But I think of it like this: Appreciate the little things. Accept the challenges life throws you, and do what you can to make the world better than you found it.