I was once an aspiring martyr. I’d pride myself on how often, or how deeply, I’d suffer when doing too much for someone else. I would brag about how I’d show up for people, even when my own life was falling apart around me. In a distorted messed-up way, I thought this was evidence that I was an outstanding friend, worthy of love and appreciation.
Being Nice Isn’t The Same As Being Kind
Don’t hear me wrong. I’m not saying I’ve taken up the task of becoming a rude insensitive jerk, just because I can. I’m not trying to swing so far to the other side of the spectrum that I fulfill some sort of reverse prophecy. What I am interested in though, is not letting the opinions of others sway my thoughts and actions (and in-actions) so often.
The Only New Years Resolution You Need
Planning your New Years Resolution? After a year of plannis interruptis, it may feel like it's time to take back control! But is it?