My son recently went through a growth spurt - not vertically, but internally. Shifting emotions had him on edge, and his bandwidth for tolerating discomfort was short. I'll be honest. It felt like I was walking on eggshells around him.
Death Cleaning, Minimalism, and Decluttering: The Many Faces Of Spring Cleaning
I'm not a neat freak by any stretch of the imagination, and I've accepted mess and disorganization as one of my more natural states. But if I'm being honest, it also drives me crazy! It's aggravating to dip in and out of chaos, with seemingly little control of when or why, and while minimalism could foreseeably cure this ailment, it just isn't a practical option for me at the moment. So what's an overwhelmed, clutter-detesting woman who has commitment issues that prevent her from going all-in with minimalism do? Spring cleaning!
What My Houseplants Taught Me About Getting Back To Normal
There’s something deeply satisfying about growing something from a seed. Be it a human, a carrot, or an evergreen tree, the process by which life unfolds is something akin magic. Sure, we can explain how a living thing grows. But we still have yet to find the reason why, beyond the propagation of a species. And as logical as propagation is, the process feels more elegant, more profound.