A few months after my dad had passed, I had a dream. A young woman, mid-20’s, walked towards me. At first, I could only see the top of her head. As she came up the hill side I stood on top of, I saw two braids fall down her shoulders. Mountains unfolded in the distance behind her and when she reached me, she unfurled her fingers to reveal something precious. Her smile was equal parts joyful and cheeky, peaceful and electric. I peered into her hand and saw a small white birds egg. We looked down on her little treasure together and then looked into one another’s eyes. Her smile…
On Buffets & Too Much Of A Good Thing
I remember going to my first buffet restaurant with my grandparents. I will never forget the smell of all the different foods wafting...
On Ruining Advent & Stepping On Lego’s
There are times in life when no amount of extra effort will change the outcome. You can throw more money at the problem, but it persists. You can learn more about the solutions, but it continues to resurface. You can double down on your time and effort, and when you finally come up for air, you discover nothing has changed.