When you come across a phrase or a quote about how you're good enough just the way you are, I challenge you not to roll your eyes. Yes, it's sappy, and we all make mistakes. But here's the bottom line: despite all our foibles and blunders, there is no prerequisite to being awesome.
If Being Is Better Than Doing How Will We Accomplish Anything?
Consciously and unconsciously, we tie our self-worth to what we’ve done (or not done). We track our steps, our promotions, and our children. We even track our vacations! With all this emphasis on doing, we forget that being is just as valuable. Some would even argue that it’s more valuable, especially in pursuing happiness.
Death Cleaning, Minimalism, and Decluttering: The Many Faces Of Spring Cleaning
I'm not a neat freak by any stretch of the imagination, and I've accepted mess and disorganization as one of my more natural states. But if I'm being honest, it also drives me crazy! It's aggravating to dip in and out of chaos, with seemingly little control of when or why, and while minimalism could foreseeably cure this ailment, it just isn't a practical option for me at the moment. So what's an overwhelmed, clutter-detesting woman who has commitment issues that prevent her from going all-in with minimalism do? Spring cleaning!