can be difficult to let go of the past. After all, it’s all we’ve known. It can feel intimidating to face the future. So much is undefined. But trying to remain in the past is also scary. Living in the past means we run the risk of separating our mind from our body, sometimes so much so that they forget how to communicate with one another.
Love Letters From Beyond: How To Hold Onto Those We’ve Loved
I didn't understand then what I know now. The hurt that can come from being absent when someone we love dies is unbearable. It took my own mother's death to realize what I had taken that day. Blue hydrangeas became my silent apology for my selfishness. Years before my mom passed, I asked her why she loved hydrangeas. Turns out, it was her mother's favorite flower.
You Get To Choose Your Own Ending
But when we have to fabricate those connections, it’s harder to rely on them. It’s harder to trust that this similarity is because we’re family, and not because we’re just two people who happen to like donut holes. Who doesn’t like donut holes? There’s loss in that sort of reality. But there’s also freedom.