As much as we believe we cannot endure, we do. It can be hard to get back up, but get back up we do. The challenges we experience in life don’t have to remain heavy or oppressive. They can be the foundation on which we build our resilience, tenacity, and unwillingness to sit in the shadows of our sorrow or pain.
Sprint Towards Your Dreams! I’ll Meet You At The Finish Line.
To ignore our fears when faced with an actual danger is inadvisable at best. But it's a different thing entirely when we allow countless what if's to dictate what dreams we reach for. On some level, we know this. Otherwise, our dreams, some of which we've held onto since childhood, would simply leave us alone.
How To Deal With Our Emotions When They Hijack Our Joy
Everything we see when we're in a funk is negative. It doesn't matter if we're literally standing in a meadow of bunnies hopping through wildflowers. We'll see the gnats swirling around our heads and the hot sun beating down on our brows. The truth is that our understanding of reality is filtered through our emotions. How we feel at any given moment determines how we view the world. When our feelings change, so too do our mindsets.