Unlike some gap year stories you may have heard, we aren’t filling ours with visits to a zillion countries or all the national parks in the United States. Instead, we’ve dedicated our year to slowing down, exploring our passions, and venturing inward more than outward. In a lot of ways, it’s about reconnecting and recovering from the past five years.
You’re Not A Machine. Slowing Down Takes Time.
Our minds and bodies are not machines. We can’t just turn them off and expect them to stop on a dime. Instead, they’re more like cars on the freeway. They require an off-ramp to come to a gradual stop.
Postcard No. 7 – It’s Already Sunday
It’s already Sunday and at the same time, it’s only Sunday. Traveling halfway around the world can be disorienting. Traveling halfway around the world and embarking on a year of freedom, spontaneity, exploration and growth?! That is overwhelming, but mostly in a good way.