Nobody tells you how lonely it can be at the forefront of something new and how every turn can feel like a wrong turn. As liberating as it may be to embark on the new, without limitations, or prescribed guidelines, it's also terrifying.
You Are The Secret Sauce
It's no secret that we've all gone through some stuff, are going through some stuff right now, or will deal with some stuff in the future! Stuff is a natural part of life. But it can be a real challenge to find a way to process that stuff in a way that feels healing, safe, cathartic, and grounding. This is what I've sought my entire life: a ritual or practice to process life's big and small stuff in a way that felt like me.
On Holding Onto Hope & Being Foolish
Sometimes the hurt in the world can feel all consuming, engulfing joy, optimism and laughter. But even the most challenging of times are no match for hope because at its core, hope is an unshakeable faith in goodness. Some might say it’s foolish to hold onto hope, a human flaw even. But I’d argue that hope is one of the most redeeming quality’s of humanity.