There’s a time and a place for taking on a challenge. There’s also a time for surrender and acceptance. In truth, they often arrive in tandem. Our inner demons collide with force outside ourselves, creating a perfect storm - a crucible if you will - to forge a new way of looking at the world and maybe, just maybe, a better understanding of ourselves.
My Ducks Aren’t Ready!
I panic, throw a bit of a tantrum, tell the universe I’m not ready, and then, the year comes anyways. Miraculously, I don’t die, the world doesn’t explode, and life seems to chug along, business as usual! It’s all rather disappointing. After all, what’s anxiety worth if not for a little drama! But I digress.
Success Wasn’t What I Thought It Was…
We all want to do something meaningful with our lives. How we define that varies wildly. But it could be said that we all want to leave this earth feeling like we’ve done something worth remembering. It might be for self serving purposes, especially in our younger years, but over time, we seem to develop a desire to leave something of a legacy behind - one that presents us in a light that feels “successful.”