To ignore our fears when faced with an actual danger is inadvisable at best. But it's a different thing entirely when we allow countless what if's to dictate what dreams we reach for. On some level, we know this. Otherwise, our dreams, some of which we've held onto since childhood, would simply leave us alone.
Postcard No. 2 – Singapore
From time to time, I’ll be sharing stories from my travels. They will be a collection of “postcards” from the road. Unlike my other work, these posts will not be essays. Rather, they will be un-edited on-the-go reflections made while staring out car windows, waiting in airport terminals, or enjoying a meal of new and exciting flavors. I hope you enjoy this slight detour in our journey together!
Do Pretzels Struggle With Authenticity?
Pretzels. Are they a bread or a cracker? Can they be an entire snack or do they struggle to stand alone? Is their rightful place among the M&M’s and peanuts as part of a trail mix (gorp) or should they be covered in yogurt or chocolate? More importantly, are there times when they’re not appropriate? Do they belong in my kids snack boxes or are they more at home in the little dish that comes with a beer? Does a pretzel even know what it’s authentic self is, and if not, why? What is it about pretzels that is so befuddling?