Stress Relief Is Green

Spoiler Alert: There’s a free gift to subscribers at the bottom of this post!

I think it’s fair to say that right now we’re all in need of some stress relief, across every demographic, and in every corner of the world.

At best, this pandemic is an opportunity for a collective awakening. At worst, it’s a physical and mental health crisis.

That being said, I do think there are some simple truths that could help us help ourselves in getting some stress relief, without abandoning our realities or living off the grid.

As John Muir wrote, “Thousands of tired, nerve-shaken, over-civilized people are beginning to find out that going to the mountains is going home; that wildness is a necessity” (Our National Parks)

Turns out, Muir was quite right. Being in nature – even just looking at an image of saturated greenery – can reduce stress. Hearing the birds, and feeling the breeze that accompanies a walk through the woods or park are proven strategies for stress relief.

Now if you’re like me, and you’re not able to access any densely treed forest, or wilderness areas at the drop of a hat, don’t fret! Even urbanites like us can find stress relief by getting some green!

We can…
◆ purchase an indoor plant (or 14 like me),
◆ listen to soothing nature recordings,
◆ look at photos and images of wilderness, or
◆ go on a walk around a treed park or neighborhood.

I may not be able to do much in the way of purchasing house plants for you, or getting you out into 3D nature, but what I can do is offer you a few resources.

Like this YouTube channel of nature recordings by Peder B. Helland.

Or these eight smartphone wallpapers I created to help you get your eyes on something soothing every time you pick up your phone (see a preview below).

Keep doing what you can to take care of yourself and get yourself some green stress relief.

Download Your FREE Smart Phone Wallpaper

To Relieve Stress & Anxiety

P.S. Download your wallpaper straight onto your phone by logging into the S.E.R.V. library. Scroll and find the image you want. Hold your finger down on the screen. When prompted, save the image. Then go to settings to set as your phone wallpaper. If you’d like to save all of them, repeat the process for each image. Only for personal use please.

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Your In Box.

Kate Smithson


View Comments

  • In general, I absolutely 100% completely agree that nature can bring peace and stress relief. That's where I feel most at home. But in true 2020 fashion, even nature is turning on me. :) A beaver has moved into our pond this week, and it seems his new favorite hobby is to keep me up all night long while he chomp, chomp, chomps away on trees, and then causes them to come crashing down. Can nature just hit the mute button between 12:30 am and 5:00 am? Just a small request to help my stress level?! LOL! Thanks for sharing the wallpapers - they're beautiful! And thanks for the reminder that there are many ways to appreciate the natural world around us!

    • My friend, you’re hilarious. Of course you have a beaver in the pond next to you that works the graveyard shift! I love your humorous take on the whole thing, despite wanting to curse up one side and down the other. After all, if we didn’t laugh, we’d cry. ? Be well my friend and thanks so much for reading. Hugs to you and your family!

  • Great ? very intuitive writing!
    I think , we as a whole, need more love and patients with each other

    • Hello friend! You are so very right. Imagine what this world would look like if more of us took your very wise advice. So lovely to hear from you!

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