Anon Gray sitting in desert, with words, "true happiness comes from appreciating both."
On Being,  The Kitchen Sink

On Routine and Joyful Chaos

The joyful chaos of summer is coming to an end, and I find myself welcoming routine with a twinge of angst. Summers are full of spontaneity and serendipity, unexpected detours, and enough variety to replenish my creative bucket for months.

On the flip side, home offers routine, predictability, and reliability.
Home offers “normalcy.” I know where to get the groceries, how to use the laundry machine, and who my children will enjoy playing with. At home, brain power is reserved for more creative endeavors.

Still, there’s something refreshing about attending to only a few fundamental aspects of life. Summer and travel offer opportunities to see the world through new eyes and to choose curiosity, even in the mundane. It provides space for us to see something as simple as waiting for a train to pass or hearing the trickle of a stream for what it is – astonishing.

Routine and joyful chaos have their place in our lives, and one is made sweeter only because the other exists. We miss out on the satisfaction of coming home after a long journey when we fail to experience awe and wonder in the face of art or at the top of a mountain.

So as much as I’ve convinced myself that a return to routine is to be bemoaned, I know in my heart that true happiness comes from appreciating them both.

Life isn’t about creating the perfect routine, system, or program. Nor is it about always being on the go. It’s about embracing change, making space for growth, and reveling in life’s natural ebb and flow — to stay open to what may come while fully appreciating the comfort of home.

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