It’s hard to find closure
When we seek it in others –
things or people, experiences or events.
It’s something that doesn’t exist
“out there,” outside of ourselves.
It’s something we must find
Something we must cultivate.
Closure isn’t a final conversation
Or one more moment with someone.
Closure isn’t having the last word
Or being the one who gets to leave.
Closure is a deal we make within
A decision to let go and to be okay
With the ambiguous –
To accept that life is messy.
Loose ends, unsaid words.
They don’t fit into a box
And they’re not supposed to.
Life was not meant to be done up with a bow.
Life is messy — Always a work in progress.
And when we can recognize that
Life continues forward
Whether we participate or not
We can see closure for what it is –
An open doorway within ourselves
Acceptance that life is
A pathway
Not a pinnacle.
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