Is There Such A Thing As Too Much Encouragement?

There are times when I think we suffer from too much encouragement.

Now perhaps I’m choosing the wrong word, but I really do believe that sometimes what we need is not soft words of adoration and admiration, but a swift kick to the butt! Something to get us back on track and keep us true to our beliefs and purpose.

Now, I’m not saying that I endorse violence – it’s a figure of speech of course. But there have been times in my life when ego (a.k.a. complacency, comfort, laziness, fear) has gotten in the way of being bold.  When it has made me forget why I started something in the first place, and why I continue to choose to participate (or not participate).  What I need in those moments isn’t more praise or encouragement.

What I needed is for the rug to be pulled out from under me so that I can see my feet again!

Don’t hear me wrong, I’ll be one of the first people to stand up and encourage and support you in your journey.  But I’m also here to remind us that it’s important to question and challenge one another. 

Questions are vital to the conversations that keep us alive and focused on our goals while we’re here on Earth.  Without them we can lose sight of what truly matters or even fail to see how our time here can be of value to others.

I’m still learning the art of butt kicking. But already I’m finding some more balance.  Because let’s be honest.  We need both!  We need to feel appreciated for who we are, while also challenged to grow.  Sometimes drawing out our inner fire takes fire, and even when it feels like a struggle to do so, we can remember that the world will most definitely benefit because we did.

Don’t lose sight of your growth just because it’s hard work. 

You’re not wrong.  It is hard work!  Anything that matters will be hard work. But when it feels too hard, because sometimes it will, look to the sidelines and I’ll be there cheering you on, while also kicking you in the butt… in a gentle loving sort of way.  

Remember to laugh at yourself often.  And don’t forget to stretch out those hamstrings so that you can keep practicing kicking your own butt once in a while.

Now, leave a comment below telling me what you think.  Is there such a thing as too much encouragement?  Is there a time and a place for some butt kicking?  I’d love to know.

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Be kind to yourself this week and remember: it’s not about success and failure.  It’s about accepting and honoring who you already are – in all your perfectly imperfect beauty.

I’ll see you next week.

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Kate Smithson


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