Write Your Manifesto
Identity,  The Kitchen Sink

How Will You Come Out The Other Side? A Manifesto.

The emotional wounds and illnesses that can be inflicted, especially under duress, can feel insurmountable.  They can be overwhelming, debilitating, and even scaring.*  But as Moana’s wise grandma said, “scars can heal and reveal just who we are.”

Whether with our children, spouses, parents, roommates, distanced friends, or even our country, many of us are feeling tension that’s been created as a result of our current circumstances. 

You’d think that this should alarm us, and you’re right! We should be alarmed!  But not because our relationships are doomed or that we’re doing something wrong per se.  We should be concerned in the same way that we’d be concerned if we had an injury or an illness that, for the most part, will heal and will be temporary. And just like an injury or illness, we must take active steps to get better.

We’re not offered these storms in life as punishment. 

Challenges have not been placed in our way out of spite or in an attempt to deliberately rip our lives asunder.  They’re opportunities to learn and grow and when challenges can no longer be ignored or denied, it can be a chance to come together and get through it stronger.  It’s an opportunity to reassess whether what we say we believe is indeed how we live our lives.

So as we all continue to try to find our way through this challenging moment in time, I’m asking you to consider this. How do you want to come out the other side: as a person, as a family, and as a human being? 

Take advantage of this historic moment and do some deep digging into what you want to stand for, and how you’ll manifest that throughout every facet of your life. We’ve been given this time to do the deep work that comes with change. Now is the time to be brave enough to take the invitation.

~ Create Your Manifesto ~

Articulate your ideals and values going forward, but don’t stop there. Put it into action by considering how your manifesto will look in each area of your life: self, family, friends, work, community, world, etc.

Subscribe below to download my tips & templates manifesto action sheet, or simply pull up a new document on your computer, get out a piece of paper and a pen, and begin.

Family Manifesto
Subscribe to download and print tips and templates for your own Family or Personal Manifesto
*  If your situation is abusive and your's or your children’s emotional, mental, or physical well being is in jeopardy, help is available! If you’re in the USA, you can call the National Domestic Violence Hotline at 1−800−799−7233 or TTY 1−800−787−3224 or if you’re unable to speak safely, you can log onto thehotline.org or text LOVEIS to 22522.

Subscribe for access to the S.E.R.V. library where you can download this action sheet and more.

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