Mental Health,  The Kitchen Sink

Hope Will Pull Us Through Any Crisis We Face

Hope is a powerful elixir.  Whether you’re going through a personal crisis, or watching the world crumble around you, hope can guide you.  

Hope can motivate us to act, or inspire us to be still.  Hope is not something trivial or childish.  Hope is sometimes all we have.  And it is enough.

Hope is sometimes all we have.  And it is more than enough.

Hope fuels action.  Hope helps us know how we can better our lives, and the lives of those around us.  Hope provides us with encouragement and trust that a better way is coming.

But hope is not a quick fix.  Hope doesn’t transform things over night.  Hope is a steadfast belief in the goodness of humanity and in ourselves.  Hope is patient and hope is resilient.  Hope is the life preserver we hold onto when we feel lost at sea.  

Hope is the most important thing we can foster in our lives and it starts with one very simple thing: trust.

We have to trust that everything happens for a reason, and we must trust that those reasons are, at their core, to our benefit – as a planet, a species, and as an individual.  

We have to trust that before any transformation there is conflict and that when the dust settles, our hope will have carried us through.

We have to trust that before any transformation there is conflict, and that when the dust settles, our hope will have carried us through.  

We have to trust that for every act of aggression or disrespect, there are dozens of acts of kindness and compassion just around the corner.

But trust will not be the only thing we need when the dust settles. When it’s time to pick up the pieces. 

We will also need to muster our strength to help clean up the mess; to help heal the wounds; and to make a promise that we will remember the lessons we were taught.

Never lose hope.

We have to trust that when the time comes to change, we will be ready and willing.

Life has a way of propelling us to exactly where we need to be, even if we can’t always see what that is in the moment. And when our view is clouded, and we’re not sure which way to turn, it’s okay to wait and hold onto hope – fierce and unwavering hope.

Join the search for beauty and meaning with Anon Gray.


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