A lot of time is wasted trying to figure out what we’re supposed to do in life. And often, that process is based on metrics we don’t determine ourselves. It’s only when we can articulate what it is that makes life meaningful on a personal level that we begin to reconcile the disparity between our reality and our aspirations. Instead of pursuing outcomes, determine your why and the path towards a life of fulfillment with reveal itself.
What My Houseplants Taught Me About Getting Back To Normal
There’s something deeply satisfying about growing something from a seed. Be it a human, a carrot, or an evergreen tree, the process by which life unfolds is something akin magic. Sure, we can explain how a living thing grows. But we still have yet to find the reason why, beyond the propagation of a species. And as logical as propagation is, the process feels more elegant, more profound.
You Get To Choose Your Own Ending
But when we have to fabricate those connections, it’s harder to rely on them. It’s harder to trust that this similarity is because we’re family, and not because we’re just two people who happen to like donut holes. Who doesn’t like donut holes? There’s loss in that sort of reality. But there’s also freedom.