Difficult people force us to take a hard look at ourselves and those areas where we still need to grow. I’d go as far as to say they are a integral to our emotional and spiritual development. So when we convince ourselves that it’s okay to dismiss them, because they aren’t our kind of people, we miss out on vital life lessons. This is the first entry in a series called, Difficult People: An Unconventional Blessing. Once a month, I'll share ongoing practices that help me maintain a sense of peace with difficult people. My hope is that you’ll find these posts comforting and useful.
Don’t Ask This Question If You Want To Build A Meaningful Life.
A lot of time is wasted trying to figure out what we’re supposed to do in life. And often, that process is based on metrics we don’t determine ourselves. It’s only when we can articulate what it is that makes life meaningful on a personal level that we begin to reconcile the disparity between our reality and our aspirations. Instead of pursuing outcomes, determine your why and the path towards a life of fulfillment with reveal itself.
In moments of adversity, look to the fridge!
Don’t hear me wrong. I’m not saying I’ve taken up the task of becoming a rude insensitive jerk, just because I can. I’m not trying to swing so far to the other side of the spectrum that I fulfill some sort of reverse prophecy. What I am interested in though, is not letting the opinions of others sway my thoughts and actions (and in-actions) so often.