Loving my brother has been both the hardest and easiest thing I’ve ever done. Today he told me a shop owner shot him in the face with a BB gun. He’d over slept and was still there when the shop opened, but instead of telling my brother to move, he just shot him.
Harmony is a Process Not a Destination
There are two ways we can look at life. First, as a gift. Second, as a right. Both have their merit, and these are only two sides of an infinite spectrum. Living at the extremes of our experience is neither sustainable nor enjoyable. As my therapist would remind me, it's not healthy to see the world through catastrophized thoughts or rely on toxic positivity to remain blind to our challenges. "What then," we may ask, "is the alternative?"
On Holding Onto Hope & Being Foolish
Sometimes the hurt in the world can feel all consuming, engulfing joy, optimism and laughter. But even the most challenging of times are no match for hope because at its core, hope is an unshakeable faith in goodness. Some might say it’s foolish to hold onto hope, a human flaw even. But I’d argue that hope is one of the most redeeming quality’s of humanity.