But when we have to fabricate those connections, it’s harder to rely on them. It’s harder to trust that this similarity is because we’re family, and not because we’re just two people who happen to like donut holes. Who doesn’t like donut holes? There’s loss in that sort of reality. But there’s also freedom.
It’s My Birth Mom’s Fault. But It’s My Responsibility.
I may be able to blame my adoption for the abandonment and trust issues I struggle with today. But how they impact my relationships is on me. Waiting for my biological mother to come clean about why I wasn’t worth holding onto, in hopes of getting some clarity about my inherent value, is to choose to remain stuck.
Belonging Nowhere Is To Belong Everywhere
Belonging nowhere used to really bother me. Seeking my identity was complicated. I didn’t quite fit into my family, nor did I fit in with my friends. I didn’t fit in the towns where I was raised, or the communities my family chose to become part of.