A few months after my dad had passed, I had a dream. A young woman, mid-20’s, walked towards me. At first, I could only see the top of her head. As she came up the hill side I stood on top of, I saw two braids fall down her shoulders. Mountains unfolded in the distance behind her and when she reached me, she unfurled her fingers to reveal something precious. Her smile was equal parts joyful and cheeky, peaceful and electric. I peered into her hand and saw a small white birds egg. We looked down on her little treasure together and then looked into one another’s eyes. Her smile…
Postcard No. 4 – A Storage Unit Somewhere In North America
The acrid smell of decomposing memories invaded my nostrils sending me through a thousand memories at once.
If My Mom We’re Still Here, I’d Want Her To Know I’m Okay
As much as we believe we cannot endure, we do. It can be hard to get back up, but get back up we do. The challenges we experience in life don’t have to remain heavy or oppressive. They can be the foundation on which we build our resilience, tenacity, and unwillingness to sit in the shadows of our sorrow or pain.