can be difficult to let go of the past. After all, it’s all we’ve known. It can feel intimidating to face the future. So much is undefined. But trying to remain in the past is also scary. Living in the past means we run the risk of separating our mind from our body, sometimes so much so that they forget how to communicate with one another.
Sometimes, It’s All I Can Do Not To Fall Apart
Loving my brother has been both the hardest and easiest thing I’ve ever done. Today he told me a shop owner shot him in the face with a BB gun. He’d over slept and was still there when the shop opened, but instead of telling my brother to move, he just shot him.
On The Power of Stories & Remembering Mom
It used to be a sad affair, a time to reflect on what would never be again. But now, 13 years deep, “Gnome Day” as it’s known in our home, is a day to share stories with my kids so that, while they’ve never met their nana Liz, they can know her in some small way.