Identity,  The Kitchen Sink

“Being ourselves – better”

Have you ever had the experience of being in the presence of someone whose doing exactly what they were meant to do on this planet? The energy is electric and it’s almost as if the stars have aligned and there’s something sort of magical unfolding right before your eyes. It can be a contagious sort of encouragement that makes you want to call “dibs” on the next passion-filled idea that pops into your head! It can make you feel like you were meant to do bigger things. To be your better self.

And the truth is that we are meant to be something in this world – but not in some hypothetically “bigger” or “better” version we hear about so often.

We are all meant to be just the way we are right now. Not seeking. Not “improving.”

Nope… we are perfect just the way we are and the true challenge is getting out of our own way so that we can be ourselves fully.

My friend Nicole once posed this question:

What if we stopped trying to be our better selves, and just focused on being ourselves – better?

– nicole annette

Think about that for a moment: Being ourselves – better.

Life really isn’t about becoming better, or gooder or cooler, or any other “-er” that you can think of. Life is about being ourselves – getting to know our inner workings so deeply that we are compelled to be fully authentic and whole. And it’s in that place – and only in that place – where we find our true purpose. Our “magic.” It’s where we can find the kinship that connect us all. And it’s where we can find that electric feeling that comes with doing exactly what we were meant to do.

Finding our purpose. Figuring out what we’re meant to do on this planet requires some level of faith in the process and a willingness to trust ourselves. We already hold within us everything this world needs us to be. And the only way we’re going to find it is by “being ourselves – better.”

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